Thursday, July 6, 2017

How to Make Ladybug Rock Painting

A ladybug is an easy rock painting design for kids. You can try doing it with water clours or acrylic colours as you wish. Once a child gets a general idea how to do it, he can try making it with different vibrant colours. A ladybug rock can be a perfect gift for special occasions, you can gift it to mom and dad who can use it as paper-weights for their offices or you can gift it to grand mom who can place it as a decorational piece in her living room. They can also be made for school projects or DIY projects for kids as cultivating hobby. You can also make ladybug rocks using various colours and decorate your garden by placing them side by side near pot and plants. So lets learn how to paint ladybug rock art step by step. 

Materials required for making ladybug rocks

Stone, preferably flat, small and circular - 1
Acrylic colours of your choice
Acrylic colour - black
Acrylic colour - white (optional)
Wiggly eyes - 2
Sketch pen - black colour
Sketch pens of your choice
Rough paper sheet - 1
Rough cloth

Method for making Ladybug Rocks


Try and use a flat and circular stone for making a ladybug rock. Once selected, first wash and dry out the rock thoroughly with a rough cloth. Set aside.


Draw a rough model of the ladybug on a rough paper sheet and colour it with the desired colours you wish to give by means of the sketch pens. Note that you would be using the same paper sheet as a model to paint the rock. So try and use the same colours on the paper as you would use on the rock. Here I have painted a rough sketch on the paper, which would act as my model for the session.


Paint the whole stone (top portion) with acrylic black colour. Allow it to dry thoroughly. You may need to add one or two coats of paint to get the proper smoothness and texture. It totally depends on the rock.


Now simply paint 3/4th portion of the rock with the other colour of your choice. You can select any colours other than red, such as yellow, blue, green or orange. Leave topmost portion of the rock black, assuming it is the head. There is no exact measurement of how much you should paint, just look at your model drawn on the paper and accordingly colour the rock.


Draw small circles with help of black sketch-pen on the body of the rock. Fill it with black colour. There is no exact numbers of how many circles you should draw, you can draw many circles if they are small dots, and if you wish to draw big circles then keep them very few. 


Once you are finished with the body, lets get the eyes in place. With the help of glue you can paste the wiggly eyes on the top of the head. If you do not find eyes, then no worries, just draw circles with white colour using a pointed brush.

Allow the colours and eyes to dry out. Your ladybug rock art is ready. To help the colour last longer, use a sealer. 

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